The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust Ltd.

Character Areas

Merthyr Mawr, Kenfig and Margam Burrows

011 M4 Motorway Corridor

M4 - View north from near Maudlam.

HLCA 011 M4 Motorway Corridor

Major road transport corridor; civil engineering: road and motorway bridges. Back to Map

Historic Background

The historic landscape area of M4 Motorway Corridor comprises a small portion of the M4 motorway route of the, constructed c 1978 through the historic landscape.

Historic Landscape Characteristics

M4 Motorway Corridor is characterised as a modern major transport corridor. The area is necessarily a small segment of a much larger character area, which would have taken the entire M4 Motor way corridor, an important feat of 20th century civil engineering. Typical features include reinforced concrete bridges and cuttings, all earlier features having been removed by the construction during the 1970s.