The First World War - discover the legacy of the war in Wales

Roedd y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf yn ddigwyddiad llethol a gafodd effaith eithriadol ledled Cymru - nid oedd yr un ardal heb ei chyffwrdd wrth i'r wlad i gyd baratoi i gyfrannu at ymdrechion y rhyfel. Gan mlynedd yn ddiweddarach ac mae'r genhedlaeth a fu'n dyst i'r cyfan bron wedi mynd, a'r hyn sydd gennym ar ôl yw'r gweddillion corfforol - adeiladau, tirweddau ac arteffactau. Mae gan Archaeoleg ran bwysig i'w chwarae o ran deall a chofio'r gwrthdaro byd-eang hwn.

One of the many merchant ships that were built at the Chepstow Ship Yard Number 1

The First World War was an overwhelming event which had widespread effects across Wales – no area was left untouched as the whole country geared up to contribute to the war effort. One hundred years on the generation that witnessed it has almost gone, and what we are left with are the physical remains - buildings, landscapes and artefacts. Archaeology has an important role to play in understanding and remembering this global conflict.

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Munitions workers making shell casings
Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust Dyfed Archaeological Trust Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Council For British Archaeology RCAHMW Cadw Cadw