GGAT Projects has extensive experience of working within multidisciplinary development teams for large-scale projects, and can cover all the elements required for the archaeological aspects of such work, including desk-based studies and Environmental Impact Assessments, and landscape assessments such as ASIDOHL2, historic landscape character assessment and LandMap. We provide a wide range of consultancy services, such as written schemes of investigations, project designs and historic environment advice. We bring our extensive experience to our field services, which include excavation, evaluation, watching briefs, building surveys and geophysical survey and analysis. The advancement of post-excavation and report preparation/publication remains a strong focus and we have a proven track record in managing and delivering this type of work. We have in-house a wide range of specialists to assist in delivery from experienced project managers, archaeological illustrators and individual artefact and palaeoenvironmental experts to publication editors.
GGAT Projects understands how archaeological needs should be integrated into the development process; thereby saving potential losses of time, cost and reputation. Professional guidance enables development proposals to run smoothly and avoid expensive delays. Early consultation saves later changes, and is critical for major developments. We appreciate the need to understand our clients' development intentions in order that our advice and services can be most effectively provided. The flexibility of response and pool of expertise in the GGAT Projects team means that every project is executed to professional standards, so that clients can be sure of a quality service. In the modern development world the success of projects is enhanced through the effective networking of consultants; GGAT Projects have gained the necessary experience to understand how other consultants input into project development.